“Stop the Steal”

[This page is archived to allow access to evidence of 2020 election fraud. Please be aware that links may not function as expected.]

“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.”John Philpot Curran, July 10, 1790


This is a call to actionwe are asking everyone to help preserve our liberty by fighting for U.S. election process integrity and justice:

Action – “Stop the Steal”
Additional Ways to Help
Managing Your Stress
Updates on Legal Evidence to “Stop the Steal”
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Denial of Texas A.G.’s Election Lawsuit
The Epoch Times’ Documentary on 2020 Election Theft

Action – “Stop the Steal”

“Stop the Steal” is a phrase that symbolizes efforts by President Trump, his legal team, and American patriots, to rescind election results in the U.S. that were defiled by criminal acts. Do not be misled–when so-called news sources or online encyclopedias claim that “Stop the Steal” is a conspiracy theory without evidence, don’t believe it. Thanks to the bravery of our President, his legal team, and citizens who have made a Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury, the truth shall be manifest, as you will see for yourself by watching the videos available on this page.

However, in order for truth to prevail over iniquity, we must take action–”the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Source)

If you are ready to act, one important step is to sign the AMAC petition to stop voter fraud. (About AMAC) You can also contact your U.S. Representatives directly by following the instructions on McIntosh Firm’s Insist On Election Integrity Action page.

Otherwise, please start by becoming an informed citizen. The top video tells a story about a corrupt group that includes a U.S. presidential election candidate, local election officials, judges, and law enforcement, conspiring to rig a U.S. presidential election. They used polling software developed by an unscrupulous Venezuelan company with ties to an evil billionaire, at least two vicious dictators, and villainous, Communist China.

It’s just too fantastic, too horrendous to be true. Right? (No, it’s real, and anyone that claims otherwise is ignoring facts and is complicit with the aforementioned corrupt group.)

If you love your freedom you will listen carefully to every minute of this video–
–then spread the word, sign the AMAC petition to stop voter fraud, and see other ways to help … (If you have already watched this video, you can auto-scroll to see updates on the legal evidence by clicking here.)

Video date: November 19, 2020. (Shown left to right,) Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Joseph diGenova, Joseph’s wife, Victoria Toensing, and Boris Epshteyn, present, in brief, evidence collected during their continuing investigation of 2020 election wrongdoing. Video original title: “Trump Campaign Legal Team Holds Press Conference in DC 11/19/20” Video source URL.


Additional Ways to Help

Members of President Trump’s legal team and individuals that are testifying to wrongdoing are literally putting their lives on the line. We should be willing to support them in any way we can…


Managing Your Stress

The details of election corruption are extremely troubling, to say the least. Here are some suggested ways to cope on a personal level:

Updates on Legal Evidence to “Stop the Steal”

“Stop the Steal” is a phrase that symbolizes efforts by President Trump, his legal team, and American patriots, to rescind election results in the U.S. that were defiled by criminal acts. Do not be misled–when the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, states that “Stop the Steal” is a conspiracy theory without evidence, don’t believe it. The evidence stack is so high that the truth shall be manifest…



Video date: November 25, 2020. Multiple witnesses, including election observers, a data scientist, a polling software analyst, and including some witnesses that have made a Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury, present testimony of election wrongdoing to members of the Pennsylvania State Legislature at a hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Video original title: “Pennsylvania State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election”

One of the witnesses, Phil Waldron, retired U.S. Army Colonel, an expert in information warfare, testified that the voting systems in the U.S. were built to be manipulated, have a common code-base that links them to systems built by the Smartmatic and SGO companies, and have been used around the world to steal elections. He further testified: “I personally debriefed the son of a Cuban intelligence officer who had first-hand knowledge of Hugo Chávez’s (former dictator of Venezuela) family members who told him not to worry about the populace threat against Maduro’s (current dictator of Venezuela) election in Venezuela; that it was guaranteed; their father (Hugo Chávez) invested the money to build the SGO voting machine system.”


Video date: November 30, 2020. Members of President Donald Trump’s legal team scheduled a public hearing with select members of Arizona’s legislature to gather and examine any evidence of election irregularities and fraud in the state. Video original title: “Arizona State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election”


Video date: December 1, 2020. The Michigan State Senate Committee on Oversight holds a hearing featuring testimony regarding absentee ballot counting at the TCF Center in Detroit. Video original title: “Michigan State Senate Committee on Oversight Holds Hearing on Election Issues 12/1/20”


Video date: December 2, 2020. Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and the man in charge of President Trump’s fight to protect the integrity of election results in several states, appears in front of the Michigan House Oversight Committee. Video original title: “Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani at Michigan House Oversight Committee”


Video date: December 3, 2020. President Donald Trump’s legal team, in charge of the fight to protect the integrity of U.S. elections, presents evidence of election law violations to a Georgia State Senate committee. Video original title: “Trump Legal Team Presents CLEAR Evidence of Fraud Before Georgia Senate Committee 12/3/20”.

The witnesses’ testimony make it clear that something is rotten in the Georgia Secretary of State office. Dana Van Buren-Smith, a licensed, nurse practitioner, who worked as both a poll worker and a poll watcher in Georgia, revealed that ballot chain-of-custody laws were willfully violated by election officials, and that votes were treated with no sacredness, but with less regard than urine samples (which must have chain-of-custody documents).


Video date: December 03, 2020. A Nevada judge hears evidence showing widespread election fraud in Clark County, NV, (sufficient to overturn the outcome in the state’s election, according to President Trump’s legal team). The judge requests copies of the reliable, credible evidence, findings of fact, and conclusions of law. Video original title: “Nevada Hearing on Election Fraud 12/3/20″. Video source URL.


Video date: December 05, 2020. President Trump shares updates on the fight against election crimes (also known as “Stop the Steal”). He also emphasizes the importance of the upcoming U.S. Senate election in Georgia, where Senator Kelly Loeffler and Senator David Perdue endeavor to retain their seats, because the republican majority in the U.S. Senate “hangs in the balance”. Video original title: “President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Valdosta, GA”. Video subtitle: “President Trump Holds Rally in Valdosta, GA, for GOP Candidates Ahead of Jan. 5 Runoff”. Video source URL.

December 09, 2020. At time index, 58:58, begins the introduction for West Virginia’s Secretary of State, Mac Warner, who discusses the election lawsuit filed by the Texas State Attorney General (Ken Paxton). Video original title: “March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Charleston, WV 12/9/20”. Video source URL.


The U.S. Supreme Court’s Denial of Texas A.G.’s Election Lawsuit

On December 11, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Texas State Attorney General Ken Paxton’s election lawsuit. As part of his response to that news, Attorney General Ken Paxton promised, “…I will continue to tirelessly defend the integrity and security of our elections and hold accountable those who shirk established election law for their own convenience.”

If, by the words, “those who shirk”, Attorney General Paxton was including the members of the U.S. Supreme Court, he was probably correct.

On page, 12, of the “Texas v. Pennsylvania Amicus Brief (2020 Presidential Election)”  “Citizens United” states:

“The membrane that holds the Union together is the willingness of each State to subordinate its interests and sovereignty to the constitutional duties imposed on it as part of our Union. The federal arrangement cannot survive if any State can ignore the reciprocal obligation to abide by the terms of the Constitution, particularly the provisions governing how the President — the most important official in the Nation — is chosen.

“Thus, the matter must be returned to state legislatures to determine which electors will be selected in the wake of a corrupted election process.That is the solution to the problem created by the defendant states that the Constitution provides, and this Court has the responsibility to set in motion that solution. This Court is the only institution that can provide a multi-state remedial platform to restore trust into our Presidential selection process.”


The Epoch Times’ Documentary on 2020 Election Theft

Investigative reporter, Joshua Phillip, of The Epoch Times, traveled the U.S. to find answers to these questions:
“Why was the vote count halted in key swing states on election night? What are the problems and potential fraud associated with mail-in ballots? Is Dominion Voting Systems secure or not? What lies behind the $400 million received by the parent company of Dominion Voting Systems less than a month before the election? Who is trying to manipulate the U.S. election behind the scenes? Who is the benefactor of an increasingly divided American society? What will become of America at this historical juncture?”

Click this link to see The Epoch Times’, “2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?”


References, Credits